Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Math plays a huge role in any profession. A big part of the reason that math is such a huge part of our lives is due to finances. If finances are taken care of appropriately then everyone is a happy camper. If you do not have a firm grasp on finances or on the math that takes care of finances. You can run into issues throughout your life. A specific example so far that relates to my life is the graphing. I think that slopes are an important thing to understand for expense. If you don’t have a firm grasp on expenses and the marginal cost related to everything then you can be left confused very quickly.

The acronym I use to complete this is PEMDAS. This means that equations must be completed first within the parenthesis, then the exponents, then multiplication and division followed by addition and subtraction. Typically steps can be skipped if there is not one component of the order of operation in the problem. However steps cannot be done out of order because this results in entirely different solutions then what was originally the real result of the problem. For instance in the following equation 4(5-2)^2 You can skip the Division step because there isn’t any division steps needed. For this problem though you must first work in the parenthesis by subtracting 5-2 (3). The next step is to square it, (9) and then the last step is to multiply it by 4 (36). This is how order of operations must always be done otherwise a different answer could come up.

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